Friday, September 30, 2011


"We constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling" II Thessalonians 1:11.

It is a sad thing when those who are given certain status in our culture,  fail to "live up to" or live in a way unworthy of their calling. We feel disappointed when a Member of Parliament is found guilty of betraying his/her country's trust; her/his calling. We are angered when someone called to teach our young people is not worthy of his calling and abuses the trust of children and parents. We expect our medical doctors to act in a way worthy of their calling.
How much more should we expect of ourselves and of each other - we who have been adopted into the family of God; who are called to be His representatives, His ambassadors; that we will take our high calling seriously.
It is not just pastors and missionaries who are "called by God." No, every Christian is called by God. So Paul prayed, and so we should pray for each other. When next tempted to sin; when next you are about to react in anger or selfishness; when next you start toward something or someone that you know will cause you to act in an unworthy manner - remember Who has called you. Remember who you are and how high is this calling; how sacred it is to be a child of the King, to be His ambassador.

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