Sunday, May 6, 2012


We humans are strange creatures. We so readily criticize each other (in thought or in words). Almost everyone is sure they know how to better run the government, our schools, better coach a popular team, organize their company, lead their church. If we didn't, we would not be so critical and instead would give the benefit of the doubt to those who are leading these various "institutions".
It or we really become either ludicrous or blasphemous when we feel we know better than God! Some seem to think that if they were in charge of the world, they could do better. You have probably heard people in anger or in sorrow say "If that is what God does (allows) than I want nothing to do with Him. Or I can't believe in Him." Their lack of attention to God or choice not to believe in God, certainly does not change the shape of reality nor change God.
It may not be to our liking, but God calls us to bow in awe before Him, to recognize His great power and unlimited knowledge and wisdom, to worship rather than question. This is underlined for us in various passages of Scripture - nowhere more clearly than in the book of Job. Job and his four "friends" all have strong ideas about how God should act and why Job is in his agony of suffering. None of them get it right.
When God speaks, He does not explain why He has allowed Job to go through such terrible pain and loss. Rather their Creator simply reminds them of how far above and beyond humans He is; how awesome, all powerful and all knowing He is.
And Job replies in part: "Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know. --- I repent in dust and ashes." Job 42:2 - 6
Our awesome God deserves our trust, our obedience, and our humble worship. Sadly, we humans do not offer these naturally or easily.

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