Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Entire books are written on the topic of suffering. How can we defend God's reputation for compassion and love when the world He has made seems so full of pain and suffering? How can we explain why some suffer so much and others live what appear to be charmed lives? When will God bring an end to all of the massive amount of pain and sorrow caused by war, slavery, natural disasters? 
Some questions have no simple answer. Some questions may have no human answer that makes sense. Perhaps more than any other issue, the question of suffering calls for great faith because we can at best find only partial answers to some of the questions - personal, theoretical or theological.
However both in the NT and the OT, there is a repeated refrain for believers who must deal with their own personal suffering. Suffering can have purpose in our lives. I am reminded of this in the latter part of Daniel as two words are repeated when talking about suffering to come.
"Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined,purified and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time." 11:35
"Many will be purified, made spotless and refinedbut the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand." 12:10
 I like the results of "refined and purified", but I don't like the process that is involved. When speaking of physical elements being purified and/or refined means there is loss and often great heat, even fire involved in the process.
As  followers of Jesus we want to made more like Him. We know godly character is best for us, best for human relationships and brings honour to our Lord. We want that kind of character. Unfortunately it seems that the process of purifying or refining our character most often involves pain and suffering of some kind. It is not purposeless. Our loving Father, we are assured, is preparing us, purifying us for a life in His holy Presence forever.  

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