Monday, January 31, 2011

Relevance in Leviticus

My habit over the past several decades has been to read through the Bible each year. I admit that some parts of the Bible I "speed read" - always however watching for "stop and think" places. The book of Leviticus is one of those mostly "speed read" Bible books for me. Many of the passages are very historically Israel specific. But some especially reveal the eternal heart and desires of God.
As I was reading Leviticus this morning I stopped to think and pray at several points. One place was Leviticus 19:15. "Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favouritism to the great, but judge your neighbour fairly." A complementary passage is Exodus 22:6 - 9. "Do not deny justice to your poor people in their lawsuits. --- Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds those who see and twists the words of the righteous. --- Do not oppress the alien;" In many biblical passages we are reminded that God cares deeply  for the defenceless who most often are the poor and the aliens.
I was encouraged this week to read of several people convicted and given 2 to 12 year jail sentences here in Vietnam. Running several masseuse parlours, they were guilty of in effect, holding helpless women captive in miserable employment situations. When the police closed in on these places, they freed sixty six women who were paid little and could not "pay their way" to freedom.
On the other hand, I read about a billionaire Tunisian who has fled to Canada and wonder if with all his money he will ever experience justice regarding where and how he obtained his wealth.
We are thankful whenever governments and courts, whether in the USS, Canada or Vietnam defend the poor and the defenceless. How hard it is to provide equal treatment to the poor and wealthy alike. And then I remember that even in the church, if we are not careful, we will show favouritism to the rich and the powerful. James 2:1 - 7 warns us about that.
 "Please God help us always to see people and treat people, the way you do."

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