Saturday, January 15, 2011

The View From Above

We have never lived more than two storeys above ground level. When we first moved to Ho Chi Minh City and began to look for apartments, Jan was convinced that we should not go higher than 6 storeys. Her logic was clear: if there is a power outage or the elevators are broken, we don't want to climb more than six flights of stairs. Especially if we are carrying groceries. Especially at our stage of life.
We looked at a number of apartments in a variety of locations and then made our choice. On December 1st, 2010 we moved into a spacious 19th floor apartment. If ever the elevators are out of commission for more than 12 hours, I guess we will camp out in the lobby.
As some of you veteran apartment dwellers know, waiting for elevators every day is not quite as  convenient as stepping out the front door and into your car. There are some other limitations to apartment dwelling that I will not go into - at least not here, not now.
But oh my, what a view. Never, from any of our first floor living rooms, or second storey bedroom windows, have we ever had a view like this! The viewpoint from above, from 65 meters above, is really worth the inconvenience of time spent waiting for elevators! It provides a radically different view of life below.
Hmmm; I wonder, from where are you viewing life?

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