Sunday, February 13, 2011


We speak and write a lot of words in our family. Chris and Jeannie both publish journal articles; Kent's second book has just been published; Chris, Kent, and at least two nephews, have regular blogs. We are a verbal family. Sprinkled among our extended family are quite a number of teachers, professors, authors, preachers and actors.
I am always surprised and delighted when someone quotes to me something I once said to them or something they heard in one of my sermons or lectures. Why? Because I know that most words, if not ignored at the moment or forgotten within minutes, make only a temporary impression. And few words are life changing or life giving. We all know that!
So I ask "WHY?" Why is it that when I raise the subject of daily Bible reading, a large number of Christ followers admit that they read the Bible at best, two or three times a week. They admit, most with little embarrassment, that they have never established a regular pattern of Bible reading. Yet these same people believe that the Bible is the one uniquely inspired book from God. They affirm the importance of the Bible, and on most days, they don't take time to read it! I could never understand that disconnect.
Today I was struck by the statement: "They are not just idle words for you - they are your life." Deuteronomy 32:47 Since my one semester of Hebrew is long forgotten, I went to my computer to check this verse in a variety of translations. Sure enough they all agree - these words from God, Moses saya to the nation of Israel - these words from God "are your life".
Earlier in Deuteronomy, Moses wrote "man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." 8:3 This is the verse Jesus quotes in Matthew 4:4,when He is tempted by Satan.
No book, no blog, no journal will ever come close to providing eternal, spirit feeding, life giving, God inspired words like we find in the Bible. So as a Christ follower, believing what the Bible says about itself and Jesus validates, I try to daily place some of these life giving words in my mind and life. Seems to me that just makes sense? Does it to you?

1 comment:

  1. Nelson... I suspect that, in addition to the constant struggle for time and priorities in our lives, many people don't get to regular bible reading simply because they don't understand it. That is, they haven't had a chance to see how it all hangs together.

    In sharing your concerns, I wondered if I could make a difference and began publishing 5-6 minute online devotionals, designed to introduce participants to the meta narrative of scripture. I offer a short introduction to the book of the bible and then invite people to read that book.

    I'd be grateful for any comments or critiques.

    (Terry Lee)
