Sunday, February 27, 2011


Only two taxi companies in Ho Chi Minh are really trustworthy and reliable. With others, you take a chance and may pay way too much for a ride. One of our visitors paid $5 for a ride that at most should have cost only $2. A long time resident told us of two tourist friends who were persuaded by a predatory taxi driver to pay $25 for a $2 ride!
Three times Jan and I have had to refuse to pay the requested taxi meter price. In all three cases we knew that the driver had purposely driven out of the way in order to run up the bill. Last night's trip from the airport to our apartment was the third time. I paid 15% less than the meter charge and our taxi driver was not very happy. But he knew and I knew that there was a more direct and less costly approach to our address. He followed me for a few steps, arguing for full payment. I refused. It is quite interesting to have a brief argument when one speaks almost no Vietnamese and the other speaks very little English.
Of course the difference was actually only a little more than a dollar. But it is the principle and the realization that these same drivers are regularly cheating tourists. I grant the fact that almost every tourist who jumps in a taxi is wealthier than most Vietnamese taxi drivers. This however does not justify dishonesty.
Honesty: God's demand and expectation of honesty runs throughout Scripture. Included are more than a few examples of dishonesty from Abraham to Ananias and Sapphira. At times I have found honesty to be embarrassing, humbling, painful, and even costly. But honesty is the best policy and it pleases God.
Now how do I explain this to my next taxi driver in Vietnamese?

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