Saturday, April 2, 2011


Most of you will have heard sermons from Nehemiah or have done your own study of his life. I once had a friend tell me she had heard three sermon series on Nehemiah, each in a different church when the church was launching a building program! He did lead a successful building program, but I think there are many other reasons the book of Nehemiah is in our Bible.
I have just finished reading Nehemiah and remain very impressed with him as a believer: sensitive to God's spirit; sensitive to the needs of his people, Israel; committed to prayer with a high view of God and strong reliance on God.
And of course he provides an example of many fine qualities of a leader. He plans ahead; he organizes well; he keeps his focus on the main task; he motivates and mobilizes volunteers; he does not quit when things are difficult; he resists opposition and will not give in to rumours or false accusations; he is not afraid to confront wrongs; he is generous with his own resources; etc.
If you have not enjoyed Nehemiah lately, I encourage you to give the book a slow, thoughtful read. After studying the man and the book you should have a larger view of God and a better understanding and appreciation of what godly leadership looks like.
God, please give your people more leaders like Nehemiah.

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