Sunday, April 24, 2011


We celebrate the humility of Jesus at the Christmas Season. We marvel that He was willing to become a vulnerable, helpless, dependent, tiny human - born in an animal shelter.
On Good Friday (and at every Communion Service) we celebrate the humility of Jesus who "humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross."Philippians 2:8
But on Easter Sunday, we celebrate (drum roll please, clang the cymbals, sound the trumpet, sing the Hallelujah Chorus) the mighty power of the Resurrected Jesus Christ! 
The Good News is all about the pre-existent Son of God who became the baby Jesus and willingly died as our sacrificial Lamb on the cross. It is all about the One "who through the Spirit of holiness was declared to be the Son of God with power by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 1:2 - 4
Over the centuries and in our century there have been many powerful humans - leaders in battle, in business; leaders in religion and in government. But nothing compares with the power demonstrated by our Leader in the resurrection. Every powerful leader - in spite of wealth, fame, followers, armies - was ultimately defeated and destroyed by death. And then came Jesus!
On this Easter Sunday we rejoice that Christ is risen. He has destroyed the power of sin and the grave. He conquered death. Since Christ is risen, all of us who follow Him in faith and obedience will join in His resurrection. This is the Good News. This is our Good News. This is why we call Him Jesus Christ our Lord.

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