As followers of Jesus, we are called to love others including our enemies. We are to seek peace both as fellow humans and as citizens. Within the church we are to do all we can to keep the Body of Christ united in relationships even as we are united by the Spirit.
Nonetheless, we follow One whose coming brought and still brings unavoidable division. Jesus himself put it this way:
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household." (Matt. 10:34 - 36)
Jesus uses the example of our closest relationships to reveal the reality that commitment to Christ will bring division. Understood correctly, the person and claims of Christ should bring either deep loyalty or strong opposition.
This is very clearly illustrated in John 7 and 8. Jesus was doing miracles and teaching in Jerusalem. Twice John notes that many people believed in Him. (7:31, 8:30). Some were saying "He is the prophet" while others were saying "He is the Christ." (7:40, 41)
In contrast, others saw the same miracles and heard the same teaching; Yet they "tried to seize him" (7:30); sent temple guards to arrest Him (7:32); and tried to kill Him (8:59). The religious leaders wanted to arrest and kill Jesus. The guards they sent to arrest Him returned without Him, saying "No one ever spoke the way this man does." (7:46)
Jesus provoked strong reactions and did not try to avoid this. He was challenging people, calling people out of darkness into God's Light (8:12). He was pleading with them not to follow the lies from the father of lies, but rather believe the truth He was teaching (8:42 - 47).
So it should not surprise us when in our Western culture, things can be written or said against Christ followers that would be deemed very unacceptable if said about Jews, Muslims or homosexuals. It should not surprise us that where academic freedom is fiercely defended, open angry prejudice against evangelical Christians often goes unchallenged. It should sadden but not surprise us that in many countries today, if a person chooses to follow Christ they will be excluded from their family - and may even be killed by their family.
It is not much fun to be unpopular or to be angrily opposed with prejudice. It is far worse to realize that declared loyalty to Jesus will likely cause you to lose your job, your family and perhaps your life. And still every day, thousands choose to believe in the One who is the Light of the World; who came to planet earth to show us the Father.
Opposition, persecution and rejection happened to our Lord Jesus and He made it very clear that His followers should expect to be treated as He was treated.
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