Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Stephen is featured in only two chapters of the book of Acts and then referenced a couple of other times. However he bears the honour of being the first Christian martyr and is well worth our attention. Though his appearance in the Acts record is brief he is a Christian worth emulating.
Here are the phrases used to describe Stephen. The first occurs when the apostles ask the early Christian congregation to choose seven men (often referenced as possibly the first church deacons). These men would take care of the compassion ministry of the church and make sure it was administered well. These men should be known "to be full of the Spirit and wisdom." (Acts 6:3) And Stephen was one.
When there names are listed, he is the only one with any descriptive phrase: "a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit." (6:5) Then as Luke begins to tell of Stephen's ministry and martyrdom he is described as "full of God's grace and power". (6:8) When opponents argued with him, none could stand up against "his wisdom or the Spirit by whom he spoke."
I would love to have some of those terms describe my Christian life, wouldn't you? "Full of the Spirit and wisdom; of faith; of God's grace and power." Wow! Was he a spiritual superstar? Well, that is a foolish term, but Stephen did stand out in the Christian church.
One result of his effective ministry was anger, opposition, and a rigged trial with false testimony as bad as what had happened to Stephen's Lord. Do you remember that while he was on trial, Luke writes "his face was like the face of an angel."?(6:15) And as he was about to be killed, stoned to death, he was given a vision of heaven and of Christ waiting to welcome him home.
Finally as he was dying he prayed much like Jesus had prayed: "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." And again: "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." (7:59, 60)
The book of Acts rightly has its focus on the major church leaders, Peter and Paul. Both men served Christ faithfully for many decades. Not so Stephen. Like a comet in the night sky, he flashes briefly across the pages of the NT. But unlike the comet, he leaves an enduring mark. May more of us be more like Stephen. Experiencing more of the Spirit's filling; growing in faith, wisdom and God's grace and power.

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