Sunday, October 9, 2011


I wanted to stay awake on my 9&1/2 hour flight from Seoul to Vancouver today. Hopefully if I stay awake until tonight (Calgary time) I will sleep well in spite of the 13 hour difference. So I watched parts of three movies, as well as reading, watching a comedy TV show and listening to Beethoven. The first movie I watched was Tree of Life. I remember reading about it when it first came out.
Some gorgeous cinematography that was mostly wasted on a small "in seat" screen. Some lines that could stimulate significant spiritual conversation. However I think God is not really part of the conversation that the movie tries to raise.
On this Thanksgiving Sunday I again think how sad that most Canadians don't believe in the One to whom they should offer thanks for their life, health, freedom, peace, prosperity, etc. How sad that they must settle for a "feeling of thankfulness."
How great it is to know our Creator through Jesus Christ and be able to thank Him every day. Surely we followers of Jesus should be the most thankful and the most optimistic people on planet earth. I am thankful to be back in Canada after 11 months away. And having spent these months in a country with no Christian heritage, I am grateful for the influence of the church and of the Bible in shaping so much of our legal system and providing the foundation of our freedom. 

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