Thursday, October 13, 2011


"Pursue peace with everyone, and holiness - without it no one will see the Lord."Hebrews 12:14 Think about all the things people will be pursuing today - a good grade, a promotion, a big sale, an important contract, a special purchase, a new experience, etc. And in the midst of their pursuits, relationships with people and with their God will be ignored or damaged.
Wise words for living - "pursue peace with everyone". It does not just happen. It is far too easy to offend someone; to take offence; to hold a grudge; to pass on critical gossip. We can be adept at bringing division with little effort. It takes significant effort to build and maintain peaceful relationships - especially with those we find prickly or difficult. Pursue peace today.
And holiness certainly does not come easily or naturally. Temptation to sin surrounds us and so easily bubbles up within us. When we meet mature believers who exude a level of holiness or godliness, we need to remember that this kind of character does not just come with time. It comes with effort, discipline and a love for Jesus that motivates a pursuit of holiness.
There is more to this pursuit of course. In fact the author of Hebrews speaks of the importance of God's discipline - and our right response to His discipline, in the verses preceding verse 14. Difficult times, times that really test us, times of discipline, God will use to grow us in righteousness and holiness, if we respond correctly.   

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