Thursday, November 3, 2011


Jan and I attended a seminar yesterday for expat believers, entitled "Breaking New Ground". Much of the time was spent in discussion groups. We studied and discussed the familiar parable of the sower that perhaps should be known as the parable of the soils. This parable always reminds me of how there are such different responses to God's Good News. It is also a good reminder of how the results of sharing that Good News are not dependent on us or controlled by us.
One topic given to our discussion groups was to list what activities and experiences are involved in a person's becoming a disciple of Jesus. One of the groups (not mine) came up with a great list. Their list included many of the different ways we might make contact with a "not yet believer"; many of the ways we might build a relationship with them; ways to bring them into connection with other believers; many of the settings in which they might hear the Good News explained; etc.
There are so many avenues through which "not yet believers" come into contact with Christians. If only all of us were alert to building relationship bridges across which they might eventually come to Christ. It happens that sometimes people come to faith through hearing or reading the Message through some media alone; or on there own attending some church service. However normally people come to faith through an initial personal relationship with a believer who is excited about Jesus. That is the way it happened for Peter, and also for Nathaniel. (John 1:35 - 51) I wonder who may come to faith through a relationship with you?
As Jan and I develop a heart for this large city, I am saddened to think of how much harder it is for someone here to even meet a Christian, when there are so few believers among so many millions.  And so we pray.

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