Monday, November 21, 2011


Many of us have friends, colleagues or family members who have no faith in Christ. We may have talked with them once or many times. We have often prayed for them. We wonder why they don't choose to follow the One who loves them and died for them. We struggle with why the Truth does not seem true to them.
And then we read a passage like Ephesians 4:17 - 19. This passage describes unbelievers as "darkened in their understanding - futility of their minds - hopelessly confused" (pick your own English translation). It is impossible to "think right" about God without His help. Choosing to live apart from Christ is to choose darkness and this affects how our minds perceive truth, righteousness and faith in Christ.
This passage also describes unbelievers as having an "ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts." This is another way of stating the same truth that perspective and perceptions are clouded because of a negative response to the One who calls them to follow Him.
So we should not be surprised that those we care for don't respond to the Good News. After all we also know Jesus' parable of the Sower and four kinds of soil, only one of which was truly fertile. As our Lord indicated on numerous occasions, it is not easy to enter the Kingdom of God.
So we must be patient, keep loving and keep praying. God can shine His light into darkened minds. God can soften hard hearts. Please Oh God, would you graciously do this in the minds and hearts of those we love? 

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