Sunday, December 11, 2011


Our family volunteered to serve at an inner city Toronto mission one day during December years ago. While we were able to do some helpful things, it seemed that there were almost too many volunteers helping that day. In Calgary I was told one December that a ministry to those in need had no room for Jan and I to volunteer. They had a full roster of volunteers for the month.
It is great that at this time of year, generosity abounds. Those of us who have much are moved in special ways to serve and to give to those who have less at Christman. While we wish such generous serving and giving extended 12 months a year, we are thankful for the one month push at Christmas.
When we think of generosity and poverty we usually think of those with much giving to those who have little. However there is a great example of the reverse combination recorded in II Corinthians 8. Paul writes to challenge the Corinthian Christians to give generously. He presents the Christians in Macedonia as an encouraging example.
"And now brothers, we want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches. Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity." Notice that it was God who moved these believers to have the "grace of giving"and that they were filled with "the joy of the Lord". In spite of their extreme poverty they gave generously. Or maybe their extreme poverty was part of why they gave generously. Perhaps you have seen as I have, that often those with very little give "proportionally" much more than those who are wealthy.
What a challenge to those of us who have much! Paul goes on to say that these impoverished Christians "gave as much as they were able and even beyond their ability." (II Cor. 8:1 - 3)
I hope you are giving generously, as much as you are able, to more than just family members during this Season of Giving. Thank God for His amazing, generous giving to all of us.  

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