I write less than 8 hours from midnight; the beginning of 2012 in this time zone. Some of you still have 20 hours or almost 23 hours left in 2011, but the beginning of a New Year is in sight for all of us.
Jan and I have rejoiced this year in two special highlights: one was the birth of our third grandchild, Amara, in April, to Jeannie and Chris. It was a special treat that Jan was able to be present in Manhattan when Amara arrived. The second was to participate in the birth of the second expat congregation of Hanoi International Fellowship in November.
The year has also brought it's share of sadness. We were sorry to be kept from starting a new expat congregation in Ho Chi Minh City. We thought that was our God given assignment for 2011. However it was not to be.
The year brought sad news of many deaths: the closest to us, the death of my older sister Yvonne, who had struggled with limited health for many years. Following our mother's death, Yvonne was the matriarch of our extended family. She was to Jan and me a loving sister and a partner in ministry through both prayer and giving.
Along with millions in the evangelical world, we thanked God for the life and ministry of John Stott who died in 2011: preacher, pastor, scholar, author. I was 16 when I first heard him preach; subsequently I read most of his books and commentaries; I did a major paper on Stott as a preacher while studying for my doctorate. Perhaps as much as any preacher, writer or theologian, he impacted my thinking and preaching.
News of other deaths have come to us - as they have to you - during this year. News of one more acquaintance passing suddenly into the presence of the Lord greeted me as I opened my email on this last morning of 2011.
I have mentioned in an earlier blog that I begin tomorrow morning (at a time when those in North America are still enjoying New Year's Eve) an 8 week series of sermons from the book of James. James has a very sobering word for all of us - especially for those who have pretty much planned out the coming year.
"Now listen you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.' Why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." James 4:13, 14
As we enter 2012, none of us knows what lies ahead. In these unsettled times, let's live each day by faith, knowing that this could be the year in which God calls us home. Let's be ready to meet our Judge, our Saviour, our loving heavenly Father.
Jan and I have rejoiced this year in two special highlights: one was the birth of our third grandchild, Amara, in April, to Jeannie and Chris. It was a special treat that Jan was able to be present in Manhattan when Amara arrived. The second was to participate in the birth of the second expat congregation of Hanoi International Fellowship in November.
The year has also brought it's share of sadness. We were sorry to be kept from starting a new expat congregation in Ho Chi Minh City. We thought that was our God given assignment for 2011. However it was not to be.
The year brought sad news of many deaths: the closest to us, the death of my older sister Yvonne, who had struggled with limited health for many years. Following our mother's death, Yvonne was the matriarch of our extended family. She was to Jan and me a loving sister and a partner in ministry through both prayer and giving.
Along with millions in the evangelical world, we thanked God for the life and ministry of John Stott who died in 2011: preacher, pastor, scholar, author. I was 16 when I first heard him preach; subsequently I read most of his books and commentaries; I did a major paper on Stott as a preacher while studying for my doctorate. Perhaps as much as any preacher, writer or theologian, he impacted my thinking and preaching.
News of other deaths have come to us - as they have to you - during this year. News of one more acquaintance passing suddenly into the presence of the Lord greeted me as I opened my email on this last morning of 2011.
I have mentioned in an earlier blog that I begin tomorrow morning (at a time when those in North America are still enjoying New Year's Eve) an 8 week series of sermons from the book of James. James has a very sobering word for all of us - especially for those who have pretty much planned out the coming year.
"Now listen you who say, 'Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.' Why you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." James 4:13, 14
As we enter 2012, none of us knows what lies ahead. In these unsettled times, let's live each day by faith, knowing that this could be the year in which God calls us home. Let's be ready to meet our Judge, our Saviour, our loving heavenly Father.
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