Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Arrogance and Deception

I read and pondered Genesis 3 this morning. As if reading the narrative for the first time, I paused and was overwhelmed with the arrogance of the serpent, the great enemy of God. How dare he question the words of truth of the Creator? How dare he question the motives of the Creator? Yet he did and Eve listened.  And he still dares to oppose and to deceive, and we foolish humans still listen and are enticed.
I was moved as I thought about what was lost in those moments of disobedience. How dare the Evil One step between the innocent, naive humans and their loving Creator? Yet he did and Eve, then Adam disobeyed their kind, generous Maker. He did and he still does, leading us to think that obeying our Father, following our Lord, will somehow cause us to miss out on what is good and best for us.
How furiously he opposes the One who created him. How foolishly our blind world follows his leadership instead of the leadership of the One who died to save us all.
If you pause and spend time meditating on Genesis 3, you may as I did, come close to weeping. What a terrible tragedy at the beginning of human history. How drastically the fall has affected us all and all of our planet. What gigantic wounds scar human history as a direct result of what happened on that terrible day. How sobering to think that the great deceiver, though defeated, is still active and deceiving millions.
I thought hard on that devastating spiritual defeat; but then moved on to rejoice that the Second Adam has won the victory for all of us who believe. Praise God!

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