We like to understand and control. This is true even when it comes to belief and theology. Yet God is beyond our understanding and He is the only One fully in control! Therefore it is not surprising that He often surprises us. We only see and know a little of all that God is doing in our world.
For example, take the story of Abraham. We are introduced to him and his relatives at the end of Genesis 11. We begin to follow his life through the next several chapters as he moves into the pagan, ungodly land of Canaan where "the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure." (15:16) It appears that Abraham and his family are the only God fearers in the land. The Genesis story is
Then suddenly out of nowhere appears King Melchizedek who is described as "priest of God Most High" who blesses Abraham and the God of Abraham. (14:18 - 20) Now where did this king of Salem come from? For whom is he a priest? How many other believers in the Most High God are there? How did God reveal Himself to them? None of these questions are answered for us. Melchizedek appears for one brief paragraph; and then disappears and we know nothing more about him.
The inspired writer of Hebrews (12:1 - 17) refers to the mysterious Melchizedek as a forerunner of our Great High Priest who has no beginning and no end.
We would like to "box God within certain parameters" but He cannot be boxed! We see some of what God is doing in our lives and in the lives of others. We know He is at work in people around us - even in some who evidence no interest in God. We know He is at work in countries where the Good News is often opposed. But much of what God is doing remains hidden, even in this age of telephone cameras and twitter. I wonder where God might surprise you - or me - next? Look out!
For example, take the story of Abraham. We are introduced to him and his relatives at the end of Genesis 11. We begin to follow his life through the next several chapters as he moves into the pagan, ungodly land of Canaan where "the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure." (15:16) It appears that Abraham and his family are the only God fearers in the land. The Genesis story is
Then suddenly out of nowhere appears King Melchizedek who is described as "priest of God Most High" who blesses Abraham and the God of Abraham. (14:18 - 20) Now where did this king of Salem come from? For whom is he a priest? How many other believers in the Most High God are there? How did God reveal Himself to them? None of these questions are answered for us. Melchizedek appears for one brief paragraph; and then disappears and we know nothing more about him.
The inspired writer of Hebrews (12:1 - 17) refers to the mysterious Melchizedek as a forerunner of our Great High Priest who has no beginning and no end.
We would like to "box God within certain parameters" but He cannot be boxed! We see some of what God is doing in our lives and in the lives of others. We know He is at work in people around us - even in some who evidence no interest in God. We know He is at work in countries where the Good News is often opposed. But much of what God is doing remains hidden, even in this age of telephone cameras and twitter. I wonder where God might surprise you - or me - next? Look out!
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