Thursday, April 5, 2012


I was meditating today on Christ in the Garden, followed by the arrest and the mock trials. I marvelled again at the appalling weight of Christ's anticipated suffering. How terrible it must have appeared for the courageous, purpose driven, perfect God-man to pray with such agony in the Garden. Our Saviour knew what lay ahead.
Jesus mentioned several times that his desire, his purpose on earth was to do the Father's will. (John 4:34; 6:38). He moved purposely toward fulfilling the Father's will. Yet at the end of his life, with the horror of the Cross looming just hours away, He prays in agony. His strong wish, his desperate prayer: if it was possible to be spared what lay ahead. We thank God that Christ chose to do the Father's will to the very end. "The bitter cup, he drank it up."
On this Easter weekend we pause to mourn the fact that our sin necessitated His death. We pause to identify in some small way with the awesome physical, emotional and spiritual pain involved. And we are filled with praise to Christ for paying such a painful, exceptional price. 

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