Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Does this make sense to you? (See yesterday's post.) Since a tweet is limited to 140 characters, it seems to me to parallel brief prayers breathed silently to God. If some can tweet 5, 10 or more times each day to otherS, why can't each of us discipline ourselves to be regularly connecting with God?
I realize that for mature Christians, this is very common. Thinking tweets will be of no help - in fact like me you've probably never tweeted. However there are 450 million tweeters at last count. At least a few million of them are young Christians. I think for them, this image may be of great help. Many more of them are familiar with a twitter account than with a vine and grapes; grapes that they have only seen in the produce department of a grocery store.
The Presence of God. I wish I always was fully conscious of His Presence. I would be slower to speak many times. I would be slower to voice a criticism; slower to gossip and slower to listen to gossip. Yes if we lived actually always aware of God's Presence, we would realize the absolute necessity of dependence upon Jesus if we are to live in a way that is absolutely pleasing to God.
Of course whispering prayers throughout the day does not guarantee we will stay connected to the Vine. But it surely helps. An entirely different way of stating this - yet covering very similar ground, is found in the familiar words of Paul: "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17 

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