Tuesday, July 24, 2012


In Ezekiel 14, God accuses the leaders and people of Israel of idolatry. When we think of idolatry here in Asia, we think of temples and statues made of wood or metal. They are easier to find in some countries than in others. In fact you can't avoid them in many countries because they are so numerous. I feel a mixture of sadness, pity and anger whenever I see people bowing, praying or making offerings in front of something that can never help them. Our God should receive their praise and prayers.

However idolatry is not always so obvious. In Ezekiel 14, three times the accusation from God is that these people "have set up idols in their hearts." God's stated desire, and the reason He allows Israel to go through defeat and exile is "to recapture the hearts of the people of Israel, who have all deserted me for their idols."
If you lived back then, the idolatry of many Israelites would have been obvious. They had borrowed the idols and worship practices of neighbouring people groups. They bowed down, prayed and offered sacrifices to gods made of wood, stone or metal.
But it seems that others were not so obvious in their idolatry. In fact chapter 14 begins with "the elders of Israel came to me and sat down in front of me." They evidently wanted to be in touch with God. They were paying attention to the God's prophet. It would appear to an observer that they wanted to know and hear from God. Yet in their hearts they were idolaters.
Millions of people called Christians attend church every Sunday. A significant percentage of these people pray regularly and a smaller percentage read their Bible regularly. It appears that we want to know and hear from God.
Yet it is possible that we have set up idols in our hearts. Anything that takes precedent, takes priority over God; anything that keeps us from obeying and honouring God may become an idol. For some it may be something as evil as pornography or as obvious as a full on life pursuit of money. But other idolaters are not so easy to spot. Good things like family, possessions or career can become idols.

God knows our hearts. It is important that we know our hearts as well. "Lord keep us from idolatry."So we need to pray with the psalmist. "O Lord you have searched me and you know me. ---- Search me, O God and know my heart; --- See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139:1 and 23 - 24

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