Monday, July 16, 2012


Sometimes God's direction for us simply does not make sense. Why should I speak to that person? Why should I give so much away? Why do you want us to move there? Why should I stay in this job? Why should I ---?
Jeremiah who regularly heard from God in ways far beyond my experience, was perplexed. God had asked him to difficult things; given him hard assignments and Jeremiah had always, even if reluctantly, obeyed his Lord.
In chapter Jeremiah offers a prayer of worship and praise for God's power and might; His creation and His love; and His miraculous acts of kindness to Israel.
It is evident in this prayer and throughout the book of Jeremiah that the prophet has a large and accurate view of God and great faith in God. But this does not keep him from being perplexed at the ways and direction of God. So the lovely prayer in chapter 32 ends with Jeremiah wondering:

"And yet, O Sovereign Lord, you have told me to buy the field—paying good money for it before these witnesses—even though the city will soon be handed over to the Babylonians.” Jeremiah 32:25

Why has God directed him to pay good money for a worthless piece of property in Israel? It is worthless because Israel is presently under attack and invasion. It is worthless because God has assured Jeremiah that Israel will be defeated and Jerusalem and the surrounding area will be devastated. And yet God tells Jeremiah to buy some real estate that will soon be occupied by Babylonians!
Read all of chapter 32 and you get the picture and the answer to Jeremiah's perplexity. So often what does not make sense in our lives or in what we observe only makes sense in God's much larger picture and His much longer time line.
So if you are perplexed today at what God is doing or how God is leading you, take heart. You are in good company with a great prophet!

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