Thursday, May 5, 2011


The book of Proverbs is such a practical book. The warnings regarding sexual immorality are very explicit. As an 18 year old I was irritated that my father read these x-rated passages for family devotions with my 14 year old sister present. Of course I suspect he was making sure his son was familiar with these warnings.
Three thousand years later, our world provides so much in your face sexual temptation: to fill your mind with immoral thoughts and to make immorality commonplace. Doesn't everyone on the screen (and in real life) fall into bed within hours of meeting? Or if they are the conservative type, they wait several days? Doesn't pornography spice up your love life? Doesn't our study of animals tied to evolution lead to the conclusion that we are not meant to be monogamous? And on and on and on ----.
God provides such explicit warning in Proverbs and other Scriptures. If people needed these warnings 3000 years ago, how much more do we need them today. There are a lot of desperate wives who wish their husbands would listen and learn from Scriptures that teach on sex. I can't quote all of the passages I have read over my last three days in the book of Proverbs. But here are a couple of the positive statements.
Following 14 verses warning against adultery, we read "--- may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer - may her breasts satisfy you always." Pr. 5: 15 - 19 Too many Christian men of all ages are looking for satisfaction in pornography when they should be cultivating their marriage relationship and yes, the physical intimacy part of that relationship. We need to pay more attention to the inspired words of the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 7:3 - 5.
Much later we read in Proverbs 12:4: "A wife of noble character is her husband's crown". Too many men fail to enjoy this "crown" because they have betrayed and failed their wives and blown up their marriage.
After four decades of marriage, I am more in love and more grateful for Jan than ever. In the early years of marriage you must accept by faith that your love and intimacy will grow deeper and better if you continued to be faithful to God and each other. What Jan and I now share together after all these years - pride in each other's growth, wonderful (and a few painful) shared memories, relationship security, accepting and compensating for each others weaknesses, shared joy in three children, their spouses and three grandchildren - these are mostly lost when people walk away from their marriages.
So please men, if you are not learning to appreciate your wife more; if you are not adapting to her wants and needs; if you are not running away from pornography; if you are not being completely faithful to your God and your wife - please recognize you may be cultivating a desperate wife. Too many husbands wake up when it is too late. As their wounded wife finally gives up and departs the marriage, they suddenly realize all they are losing. And it is too late.
"But a man who commits adultery (or simulated adultery) lacks judgment; whoever does so destroys himself." Pr. 6:32

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