Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I suffer from a common male disease. I have a hard time finding things - in the closet, in the refrigerator, in the house. I know it is a male disease for two reasons. First, Jan often finds the item after I have failed and call for help. Second, I have had many men (or their wives) affirm that I am normal. Somehow I look without seeing. I refuse (at least for now) to discuss that I may also have an occasional marital "listening"problem. (It has nothing to do with my one deaf ear.)
If you read Isaiah 51, it is hard to miss how many times God tells his people to either "look" or "listen". I have circled 13 times in my NIV that words such as "listen, look, hear, awake, see" occur. God seems to be telling His people, here is important stuff, great Good News, now please pay attention.
He asks them to pay attention to the blessing He provided to Abraham and Sarah; to the righteousness and justice that comes from Him; to their discipline that He is bringing to an en. God calls them to be attentive to what He has done, what He is doing, and what He will do.
I read this chapter and I wonder if we His people are paying attention. Do we need to be reminded to "Pay Attention!"? How easily we forget the great things God has done: in biblical history, among Christians in recent decades, in our own lives and right now in our world. I suspect most of us need to pay closer attention.
We presently live in SE Asia and mingle with believers from many different countries. When I might become discouraged by not "seeing" special things happening right around me, I am so encouraged by "hearing" reports of what God is doing in different parts of the world.
For example, recently someone told me of several villages in one SE Asian country, where the whole village turned to Christ. This was told me by a reliable person and confirmed by another, both of whom live in that country. Of course we don't know if every one of those village people has personally become a believer. We do know that most of the villages in that country are 100% Buddhist/animist. Therefore it is a wonderful work of God when all those in one village declare that they will follow Christ.
I may be failing to notice God at work in or around me. I may fail to watch and listen for what He has done and is doing elsewhere. And if I miss or forget the great activity of God, my appreciation, my worship and my thanksgiving will be the poorer.
 When you read Scripture, watch carefully and enjoy the great things God has done. Listen closely (through Christian media and personal testimonies) to the great things God is doing today and rejoice. And maybe you have missed, or taken for granted what God is doing right in front of you. We don't want to miss the amazing activity of our God!

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