Thursday, May 19, 2011


Unlike the gods of all other religions, our God is both awesome in power and intimate in relationship. I was again impressed with the contrast in these qualities as I read this morning in Isaiah 36 - 40. Both the powerful and personal are underlined by a real life example and by clear teaching.
First, the example in the life of King Hezekiah and Israel. (His story is also recorded in II Kings and II Chronicles). Threatened by a huge Assyrian army that has conquered many nations, King Hezekiah cries out to God. The Assyrians boldly claim that God is just as helpless to save Israel as the gods of other nations they have conquered. So God in response, demonstrates his awesome power. He sends an angel and (details are not given) the entire Assyrian army is destroyed in one night.
Later, Hezekiah is visited by the prophet Isaiah and given a personal message. He is warned that he is about to die, prematurely. The King begins to weep and to pray, not now concerned about the fate of his nation but personally begging God to extend his life. Before Isaiah has even departed from the palace, God responds to the King's very personal request. Through Isaiah, God promises to extend the King's life by 15 years.
Following the four narrative chapters about Hezekiah, chapters 40 - 66 of Isaiah provide some of the greatest theology in all of the Old Testament. After seeing God's power and personal attention illustrated in Hezekiah's life, we now are taught that God is both powerful and personal in chapter 40.
Our personal intimate God is pictured as a tender Shepherd (40:11). The prophet is instructed that he should speak to the towns of Judah, "Here is your God. See the Sovereign Lord comes with power, --- He tends His flock like a shepherd. He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young." (40:11)
In much of the rest of the chapter, the focus is upon God's vast wisdom and His creative power. God sits like an almighty monarch enthroned above the earth and people appear as small as grasshoppers in his sight. Powerful nations appear to him like a drop in the bucket or like dust that is hardly noticed on a weigh scale. People come and go as quickly in His eternal perspective as grass and flowers that spring up and then die before winter. The picture is painted to impress us that our God is powerful beyond measure.
Yet in the middle of these words about God's almighty power, we find that warm picture of the Tender Shepherd. How comforting it is to know that God cares for His people, just like a human shepherd with compassion picking up a lamb - perhaps cold and frightened - and holding the helpless little animal tenderly to his chest.
Yes, our God is all powerful. Yet He wants us to clearly understand that as He paid attention to Hezekiah's personal plea; like a shepherd who notices the needs of the smallest lamb; God is personally concerned about what concerns you.

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