Thursday, July 21, 2011


Crucified! You have read or heard someone, perhaps a preacher, describe in detail the great pain suffered by anyone executed by crucifixion. It was a terrible, cruel way of death. It is most interesting that while all four Gospel writers record that Jesus was crucified, none of them describe the details of the process or the pain involved.
I think this omission is due to two things. First, everyone in the Roman world was very familiar with this form of execution. It was common for these executions to be done in public places, near markets or beside popular roads. There was no need for this brutal, painful form of capital punishment to be described for first century readers.
The second and more important reason for the omission is for emphasis on what was and is most important. Yes, the physical suffering of our Lord was terrible. Execution by crucifixion was a horrific way to die. But thousands of others were crucified over several centuries and experienced much of the same pain - in fact endured much more because typically they took much longer to die than did Jesus.
The unique, awful pain Jesus Christ endured was spiritual. How painful was it? We are given  insight from the description of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane.
The crisis He was facing made Jesus feel the need of company. He asked his three closest apostles to stay close for physical support and pray for spiritual support. Of course we remember that they failed to stay awake, and were of little or no support.
Mark uses strong descriptive words about Jesus grief. Jesus is quoted using a powerful word picture to describe to his apostles the terrible anguish he is experiencing as he prepares to pray.
"he began to be deeply distressed and troubled. My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow (crushed with grief - NLT) to the point of death, ---." (Mark 14:32, 33; NIV)
"He plunged into a sinkhole of dreadful agony. He told them, I feel bad enough right now to die." (The Message)
After predicting and explaining to his followers over a number of weeks that He was going to suffer and be killed, is the reality of the impending physical pain now finally overwhelming Him? I don't think so.
Jesus prays "Abba Father, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will." (Mark 14:36) Is Jesus afraid to face the execution that lies ahead of him, an execution similar to what thousands of others had experienced and what many would yet face, including some of his followers? I don't think so.
We must never forget that the spiritual agony of what lay ahead for Jesus was much greater than the very real physical pain He would endure on the cross. (To be continued.)

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