Thursday, July 7, 2011


I  know it's the "Christmas Story", and it is early July, but I just finished reading through the OT. Yesterday I began to read Matthew. At the end of the Jesus' genealogy, Joseph is described as "the husband of Mary". In the New Testament narrative, Joseph certainly does stand in Mary's shadow.
However we know he must have been a special man. He learns that Mary is pregnant and plans to end their engagement quietly, not wanting to expose her to public disgrace. An angel appears to Joseph in  a dream and explains what is happening and what he is to do. When he wakes up, he does exactly that: took Mary home as his wife, and refrains from sexual relations until after Jesus is  born.
I am impressed with his unquestioning obedience. He did not have an easy calling. He needed God's help and direction, and he received it. Three more times we read that God gave Joseph instructions in a dream. Each time he obeys: making the long journey to Egypt with his young bride and toddler Son; after some time, bringing his family back to Palestine thinking he should settle them in Bethlehem, birthplace of the Messiah, his Son; instead after his fourth dream, moving his family back to Nazareth.
Now you might think that any of us would be obedient if God gave us directions in a dream. But I have known more than one person who has not - Muslim friends to whom God gave dreams and yet were slow to respond. I wonder if  I would have given unquestioning obedience, had I been in Joseph's sandals
Let's give credit to Joseph and thank God for his example. He did not play as important a role as Mary. He disappeared (died?) from the narrative after Jesus turned twelve.  Yet it is apparent that Joseph was a man of courage, of faith and obedience who took care of his family.
God, please give us more men like Joseph.

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