Saturday, July 16, 2011


The Sadducees were the upper class of religious sects in the time of Jesus. They were especially responsible for the Temple, and they "competed" with the Pharisees for the role of most important Jewish religious leaders. They are most notable for not believing in the resurrection. (See Paul's divisive statement in Acts 23:6 - 8.) They also united with the Pharisees in their opposition to Jesus.
Late in his ministry, some Sadducees approached Jesus with what they thought was an insurmountable question. His failure to satisfactorily answer would reveal his limitations as a rabbi. They posed the theoretical dilemma about a woman who married, one after another, seven brothers. She was not able to have children with any of them. (See Matthew 22:23 - 33.) So the "impossible question" was, in the resurrection (in which they did not believe), to whom will she be married?
Jesus answers with such wisdom and insight that the listening crowd is once again "astonished at his teaching." He affirms the reality of the resurrection, for God is the God of the living; and he tells them that many things, including marriage, will be different in the life to come.
In this passage, what always causes me to wince, is our Lord's devastating condemnation of these religious leaders. They of all the Jewish people should know the Hebrew Scriptures and should walk closely with God. Yet listen to Jesus' words: "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God!" Matthew 22:29 How wrong could they be?
We have been given wonderful access to God and knowledge of God. To believe in the biblical God, yet not be increasing our knowledge of Scripture or experiencing the power of God is a tragedy. Ignorance of Scripture or a sterile, legalistic obedience to a distant God, is a terrible thing. May the Lord's criticism of these Sadducees not apply to us.
God has revealed himself in one primary, authoritative book. We need to know it. And God invites us into a living relationship so that we experience His power; changing us from the inside - out, answering prayers, moving through us to impact the lives of others.

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