Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Am I responsible for myself or are you responsible for me? Paul seems to say both when we read Galatians:
"Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. --- Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone,without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load." Galatians 6:3 - 5
Both are correct and of course they are not as contradictory as they appear. In the first phrase we are being challenged to help any brother or sister who has fallen into sin. We must do our best to help them back onto the road toward holiness. This may involve loving rebuke, it may becoming an accountability partner, it may be simply daily prayer for them. Whatever it involves when we are weakened through temptation and sin, we need community. We need to know someone else is carrying our burden with us.
On the other hand, Paul says, every Christian needs to be actively serving God. It is not enough for me sit back and rejoice that "our church is doing so well." I need to test my actions. How am I helping the church do well? Am I bearing my share of the load?
I should rejoice that the church around the world is advancing as the Good News continues to spread. However I must make sure I am doing my part. Have I been ready to go across the ocean or across the street? Am I giving as I should and praying as I should? Paul says in effect "do what you can so you can take pride (humbly) that you are doing your part, however small or large it may be.
Carry your own load of responsibility. We need every part of the body functioning in a healthy way to accomplish what God has for us.
And be there to help your sister or brother when they stumble or fall. We need community. And if or when it is you who stumbles or falls, you will be very thankful for that community of faith.

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