Sunday, November 25, 2012


I was talking to someone very new to the faith today. It still amazes me that living the Christian life is both so simple a child can understand and so divine that after decades of study there is much that I still don't understand. The Bible is so clear and yet.
How can we who are so weak live in holiness? How can we who are so weak resist the seductive voice of sin as it tempts so strongly? We know we cannot live the Christian life alone. We need the life of Christ, we need the power of the Holy Spirit.
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.---  Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh?" Galatians 2:20 & 3:3 
But how does that work? What does it mean "Christ lives in me"? We cannot live the Christian life on our own, we begin and continue the Christian life "by means of the Spirit."But what does that feel like - how does that work?
Now before you recommend books to me; or wonder if I've never studied these truths; I assure you I have. I know the Bible verses that explain these truths. I have taught and preached on what it means to live the Christian life.
Yet here is the reality for all of us: the life of faith involves mystery. We are living with the God of the Universe. He has come to live in us by His Spirit. We are united with Christ. But no human this side of heaven can truly explain this fully. It is a wonderful, marvellous mystery. Scripture stretches our minds and provides eternal truth. Daily living with God brings experiences that warm our souls and change our lives. God works in us and through us to help others.
Yet as limited humans, if we are honest, we stand in awe and see only "dimly through a veil". I wouldn't trust anyone who says they have it all together. If they know exactly how the eternal, unlimited God does His work in every believer, be suspicious. We are given all we need to know, but not as much as we'd like to know. His thoughts and ways are far beyond our limited understanding. We are called to walk by faith.
So when it comes to living the Christian life, we surrender to saying "I cannot, but He can." Somehow there is a mysterious mixture of God's power underlying human effort, strengthening and changing our will so that "in Christ" we can resist evil and choose willingly the good. Without fully understanding, we can fully live the life He calls us to live. Praise God.

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