Saturday, November 24, 2012


The Apostle Paul experienced more hardship than most Christians. He did not have a comfortable pastoral position. He did not preach evangelistic sermons in cosy church buildings or impressive stadiums. He did not travel among well established churches.
No, Paul experienced all kinds of difficulty from shipwrecks and hunger while travelling; beatings and imprisonment for preaching the Good News. He experienced much pain and many difficulties as he evangelized, planted churches and discipled young believers. But after he lists many of these challenges (II Corinthians 11), he adds these words:
"Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches." 11:28
Concern for the churches. Christ is building His church, one Christian, one family, one congregation at a time. Christ loves the church - as a whole and as made up of millions of churches. Paul cared deeply  for those churches he knew. This concern motivated him to write the letters we have in our New Testament. It motivated him to visit them, to send his co-workers to encourage and teach them; it moved him to pray for them.
Are you concerned for the church that Jesus loves? Do you pray for His church? Do you have a concern "for the churches? The one where you were first taught the truth; the one you now attend; the one you left for whatever reason? The ones that are in difficult countries? Do you pray for those churches?
Concern for the churches. I know of many Christians who are critical of churches; many Christians who have moved from church to church; many Christians who give their offerings to para church groups because they are not committed to a local church; many Christians who have quit going to any church.
What we need are more Christians like Paul who was very aware of all the weaknesses found in a local church. Just read what he deals with in those NT letters. Yet knowing how much Christ loves the church and those in the churches, Paul carried a deep concern for the churches. And so should we.
I hope you pray often for at least several churches - that they will grow in unity; that they will have a heart for our hurting world; that their leaders will be wise and godly.
Concerned enough to pray - and serve and give faithfully where you can. 

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