Sunday, December 16, 2012


I don't watch athletic contests on TV here in Hanoi, except for occasional 5 minutes of football. However I do follow on the internet a variety of professional sports. Recently baseball players have signed contracts paying them far more money than they are "worth". In comparison with what is paid to  those who really make a difference in our societies, how can a ball player be worth $25 million a year? Not worthy!
Jan and I enjoy watching the popular TV show "The Voice". It is a "feel good" program for it features talented young singers and judges/coaches who are always positive in their comments. However there are many times when it is evident that these coaches have run out of compliments and have not more adjectives to use in expressing their appreciation for the singers.
I confess to a little mockery as the praise becomes far more than these young singers deserve. With thousand of gifted musicians in every country, these Voice competitors are not worthy of being told "you are only one of a few singers who could do this" or "nobody else could do what you do." They are good but they are not yet worthy and perhaps never will be worthy of the words of praise coming from these well meaning coaches.
I don't need to go on about the almost "worship" given to certain entertainers - in the movie and music industries. They are not worthy of the amount of attention, the amount of money or the amount of significance the media and public give to them.
I don't need to say much about the kind of power and wealth gained; the kind of loyalty and near worship given to powerful rulers in certain countries. They are not worthy.
There is One who is worthy - worthy of the greatest compliments; the most attention; the best gifts; the highest praise. It is impossible to give to Him too great a sacrifice or too excessive a compliment. We are free to use the best of our language skills to praise Him and with the help of our most gifted poets and writers, we still fall short.
"You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power ---."
"Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength, and honor and glory and praise." Revelation 4:11; 5:12
So we worship and sing His praise at Christmas, all year round and forever. For He alone is worthy! 

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