Wednesday, March 16, 2011


The Bible certainly provides plenty of contrasting characters. In God's Story Book, he often presents the good, bad and the ugly. We are reminded that God is in control at all times, no matter what choices humans make. I was arrested in my morning reading today (II Kings 21 - 23) by the contrast between two kings of Israel, Manasseh and Josiah. They appear so closely together in Scripture and in history.
Grandfather Manasseh had a flawed but mostly godly father. But Manasseh was as evil a king as Judah ever had. He is described as doing evil, doing much evil and leading the people into more evil than the nations God had destroyed as the Israelites entered the Promised Land. His promotion of pagan worship and his participation in their rituals extended to desecrating the temple and offering his son as a human sacrifice.
His grandson, Josiah, was only 8 years old when he took the throne, only two years after His grandfather's death. In contrast to his grandfather, he was totally committed to the Lord - "with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his strength". When it appeared that there was no hope of Judah returning to God, Josiah led the nation in an amazing revival. He was as godly a king as Judah ever had!
I paused to wonder how could two kings, grandfather and grandson, appearing so close together in Scripture and in history, be so totally different as people and as leaders.
I wondered how people in Canada, circa 1950, could be so radically different from the people of Canada, circa 2010? How could values, lifestyles, perspectives on right and wrong, change so drastically? Just pausing to wonder and wondering what God thinks.

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