Thursday, March 31, 2011


These opposing character qualities receive a lot of attention in Scripture. Proverbs has a lot to say about the dangers of pride. Every major prophet and most minor prophets write against pride. Jesus speaks about pride vs. humility. Paul teaches us that "love is not proud". Peter and James warn us that "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."
If you want real life examples of both character qualities, read the stories of Judah's kings in the last few chapters of II Chronicles. I have just finished reading them again. King Uzziah was a great, good king until "his pride led to his downfall." II Chron. 26:16 Manasseh was an ungodly, terrible king who deserved what he got - beaten in battle, shackled and imprisoned. But then "In his distress he --- humbled himself greatly". God heard his prayer and rescued him. 33:10
King Amon: "unlike his father Manasseh, he did not humble himself before the Lord." 33:23 King Josiah finds favour with God "Because your heart was responsive and you humbled yourself before God."34:27
This is not an exhaustive list of examples. But they are great positive and negative models of pride and humility. God has made us to need Him and to need others. Pride says "I don't need anybody. I am the master of my soul. I am the captain of my fate." (Hmmm, I think I messed up that Invictus quote) God made us to be God centred. Pride moves us to be "me centred". God invites us to pray for and trust Him for wisdom and power. Pride says "I am wise enough and I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to."
Many people would argue that pride is the most fundamental of sins and the number one sin that prevents people from following Jesus.
I first identified pride and its ugly effects in me as a Christian teen. What has ensued over the decades has been a constant battle to respond to God and Scripture, to reject pride and to embrace humility. It certainly does not come naturally. I am quite expert in identifying pride in others because it has been such an invidious companion all my life. Gradually with God's grace humility has grown and pride has diminished. Yet the struggle between pride and humility is still strong in my life.
If indeed "God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble" then we all want to pursue humility, don't we? It would be good to pray for ourselves; our religious leaders; and our political leaders that we all will be wise enough to pursue humility. Do you want God's grace or his opposition?

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