Thursday, March 10, 2011


After the great victory in front of King Ahab on Mount Carmel, Elijah received word that Queen Jezebel had promised to have him executed. So he ran for his life. He hid in the desert alone, and told God: "I've had enough. Please let me die." I think this would be called the classic let down - a spiritual and emotional depressed state after a great spiritual and emotional high.
You might expect God to tell him: "Shape up, snap out of it, be strong and courageous!" Instead God let him sleep; woke him up and fed him; let him sleep some more; and then fed him again. God knew that part of Elijah's problem had nothing to do with his emotions or spirit. He was physically drained and needed to recharge his body.
Then God provided personal spiritual comfort to Elijah. God met Elijah in a very special way. God demonstrated His awesome power first in a hurricane force wind; then in a powerful earthquake; and finally in fire. But then God came to Elijah in a gentle whisper. He dialogued with Elijah and let him share why he was feeling so emotionally and spiritually defeated. He let him recharge his spiritual battery.
Then God provided more help for him. First he told him to anoint a new candidate for king. His arch enemy King Ahab and wife Jezebel would soon be gone. Second, he told him to appoint a successor, Elisha who would also serve as his assistant. Third he encouraged him by letting Elijah know that he was not alone in his loyalty to God. There were 7,000 other believers who had not gone into idolatry. He was part of a faith community that would not disappear.

What a wonderful example of God's sensitive mercy and love. He came to this "wounded warrior" and provided physical help; spiritual comfort; and strong, specific hope for the future. When you next are feeling down or defeated, don't forget to tap into the physical, spiritual and faith community help that God has provided for you.

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