Sunday, March 27, 2011


Who is the most influential in your life? With whom do you have significant influence? These are important questions. If we know the answer, we will know first what kind of person you are becoming and second we will know how much impact you are having through others.

Influence is power. Some people think they power comes when you attain a certain position: in a company, group or church. What they often discover is that after gaining a position or title, a bigger salary or office, someone else has the most influence and therefore the most power.
Influence is leadership. Leading a group, church or company because of your position is a very weak kine of leadership. You become the leader in name only. The one who truly leads is the one with the most influence.
The power of influence and leadership is neutral. Witness the example of young, 22 year old King Ahaziah who was influenced to do evil, first by his mother Athaliah and then by his father's advisors. II Chronicles 24:3,4
King Joash was even younger (age seven) when he was placed on the throne. Fortunately, his uncle, Jehoida was a priest with great influence over Joash and others. So the Chronicler records that "Joash did what was right in the eyes of the Lord all the years of Jehoida the priest." II Chron. 24:2 Although he was "only a priest", Jehoida had huge power, the power of influence - for good and for God.
Then Jehoida died and others influenced Joash away from God and into evil. Joash changed so drastically that he had Jehoida's son Zechariah killed when he tried to influence him for good.
II Chron. 24:21,22
One more example: King Uzziah was a great and godly king for many years. One major reason was because he was taught and influenced by the prophet Zechariah.
Why do I mention all of this? Because many of us do not hold positions of power. But if we are friends with; working for or with: related to those who are in positions of power, we should not underestimate our influence. Are you an influence for good with those who hold posits? Could you be wasting your influence because you are not sharing your thoughts and perspectives with the one who might put them into action?
Though it is not a factor mentioned with these kings, only God knows how much influence you may have through prayer? Influence is power, it is leadership. Use your influence wisely and take note of those (or that media) which is most influencing you.

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