Many Christians over many centuries have been convinced that they were living in the last days. Many false teachers and false prophets have predicted the end of the world and/or the return of Christ. They have provided specific dates and some even the exact time of Christ's return. They were all definitely, absolutely wrong.
But in one thing they were right: all of us should be ready! Jesus made that very, very clear. His followers should manage what God has given them with an awareness that at any time, as some time. the end will be come. And when that time comes, we will be held accountable.
This is underscored so strongly in Matthew 24 and 25 it cannot be missed. If we pride ourselves on paying close attention especially to the words of Jesus; of seeking to respond in obedience to the words of Jesus, then we should live in constant readiness. In these chapters this truth is driven home again and again.
"They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory." 24:30 "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come."24:42
"Who then is the faithful and wise servant whom the Master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time? It will be good for the that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns."24:45, 46
In the next chapter we find the parable of the ten virgins; five of them were not ready and were left out of the wedding banquet. "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour."25:13
Then comes the familiar parable of three men all given "talents" to manage for their boss. Finally Jesus talks to them about the sheep and the goats.
Chapters 24 and 25, read at one sitting, can raise many questions in our minds. They provoke much discussion and disagreement among scholars. But whatever interpretative disagreements people may have, we all should be impressed with the fact that we are held responsible and when Jesus comes, He expects to find us ready. Not last year, or next year. Now! I need to be managing my time, my resources, my opportunities now so that if the One Great Owner should ask for an accounting tomorrow or next week, I will be ready.
But in one thing they were right: all of us should be ready! Jesus made that very, very clear. His followers should manage what God has given them with an awareness that at any time, as some time. the end will be come. And when that time comes, we will be held accountable.
This is underscored so strongly in Matthew 24 and 25 it cannot be missed. If we pride ourselves on paying close attention especially to the words of Jesus; of seeking to respond in obedience to the words of Jesus, then we should live in constant readiness. In these chapters this truth is driven home again and again.
"They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory." 24:30 "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come."24:42
"Who then is the faithful and wise servant whom the Master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time? It will be good for the that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns."24:45, 46
In the next chapter we find the parable of the ten virgins; five of them were not ready and were left out of the wedding banquet. "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour."25:13
Then comes the familiar parable of three men all given "talents" to manage for their boss. Finally Jesus talks to them about the sheep and the goats.
Chapters 24 and 25, read at one sitting, can raise many questions in our minds. They provoke much discussion and disagreement among scholars. But whatever interpretative disagreements people may have, we all should be impressed with the fact that we are held responsible and when Jesus comes, He expects to find us ready. Not last year, or next year. Now! I need to be managing my time, my resources, my opportunities now so that if the One Great Owner should ask for an accounting tomorrow or next week, I will be ready.
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