Wednesday, September 26, 2012


We are all influenced by "the crowd". Each of us has our own "crowd", those whose opinions matter enough to affect what we wear and do; how we talk and what we buy. It is easy for adults (including parents) to either be irritated or amused by the way pre-teens and teens are influenced by "the crowd". Trying to shop for the best clothes at the best price is very hard with a young person who is much more concerned with what "the crowd" is wearing this year. However now, in many secondary schools that most important "crowd" may vary widely, depending on who your teen hangs with or would like to hang with.
Of course we adults easily fall prey to the "the crowd" influence. Its just that we have a more varied crowd from which to choose. I won't try to provide illustrations - you know what I mean.
I once was told by a woman, "my husband doesn't seem to care what others think of him". I smiled and said nothing. Had I commented, I would have said "of course he cares what the crowd thinks. It appears that way to you because he is not concerned about what the regular, average people think". I knew him and knew he had a very select "crowd" that influenced his choices.
When we read the crucifixion story, we can feel anger, sadness and maybe even some sympathy for Pilate. Ultimately, he had the final say (humanly speaking), on that fateful day. He it was who condemned Jesus to be crucified. Why did he do it? Mark puts it this way:
"Wanting to satisfy (or please)  the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified." Mark 15:15
If ever Pilate should have demonstrated independence and courage; if ever he had the opportunity to show he was a leader, it was at that moment. He felt pressure from the religious leaders and he gave in when they were backed up by a shouting crowd. He had a choice: do what he knew what was right, or give in and please the crowd. In that moment, under pressure, he chose the crowd.
Sometimes of course, following the crowd; letting the crowd dictate what we choose to eat or wear may be harmless. But there are other times when "everybody does it or is doing it" leads us into disobedience and sin.
Just as I wrote those words I thought of all of the Christian young people who are settling into a first or another year at college or university. Would you join me in taking a moment and pray for them. The crowd that drinks, uses drugs, engages in pre-marital sex can be terribly influential when you are away at school.
Dear Lord, help our young university adults to stand firm for what they know is right. keep them from the pressure to "please the crowd."

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