Thursday, September 13, 2012


We all experience mixed emotions. I've watched several friends here in Hanoi as they've proudly rejoiced that their first born has successfully graduated from secondary school. But this always brings mixed emotions in Hanoi for expats. There is no local university choice for their child, so he or she now must board a plane and fly off to the UK, the USA, Korea, or somewhere else too far away from  parents and siblings here in Hanoi.
Mixed emotions. We all experience them. One phrase in the last chapter of Matthew describes the powerful mixed emotions experienced by the women who were first witnesses of the Resurrection. They came early to the tomb and found a dazzling angel and the stone rolled away. The angel told them that their Lord had risen from the dead.
"So, departing quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, they ran to tell His disciples the news." 28:8

Aren't those wonderful mixed emotions? Fear and great joy! The women are in awe of the angelic figure who has just conversed with them. They are in rightfully in some state of shock at the display of power: angelic being, huge stone moved, tomb empty, battered, crucified body now risen and full of life! Fear because all of these things were way beyond their experience and imagination.
But oh, such great joy! Jesus is not defeated and dead! He is victor and He is alive! The adventure of following and trusting Him is not over; it has just begun.
I wonder how many Christians who have embarked on a risky adventure for God can recall this same mixture of emotions: fear and great joy. Facing a major challenge that might result in failure and loss; yet experiencing great joy because they dare to move ahead not for ego or money but for Jesus and for people that Jesus loves.
Perhaps we should hope for each other that sometime in the months ahead, as we step out of our comfort zone to serve Jesus, we may experience those same mixed emotions!

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