Sunday, September 9, 2012


Which are the most important commandments? Easy question? Which commandments would Jesus list if He were asked that question?
Jesus once said to a man, "If you want to enter life, obey the commandments." "Which ones?" the man replied.
Jesus then listed five commandments, the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 5th commandments of Exodus 20. Can you name them? I find it most interesting that Jesus did not mention commandments one to four. And that he skipped commandment 10 (one commentator suggests that it summarizes the 8th and 9th). Also, it is interesting that Jesus added the 5th at the end. Did he do that for emphasis?
Now have I caused you to stop and look up Exodus 20 because you can't remember which commandments to with each number? Actually the 5th is "Honour your father and mother". This is emphasized to the rich young man. Evidently the 5th commandment is not just for those under age 18! And this dialogue is found in Matthew 19:16 - 21.

I know, I know, you've been thinking of what Jesus taught in Matthew 22:34 - 40. I agree that the answer found there is His absolute answer to the question: "Teacher which is the greatest commandment in the Law."And there is where we must focus - loving God and loving others.
I referenced the discussion in Matthew 19 just to get you thinking, as it did for me yesterday.

Jan and I were at different congregations today, since I preached at our "original" congregation site this morning. We both enjoyed the worship and fellowship where we were. I hope your Sunday experience is the same - except I should add that "enjoying" is not nearly as important as worshipping well, responding to the preached word and encouraging some fellow believer. I hope that all of the above happened in your Sunday. 

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