Friday, September 14, 2012


Some people argue that Jesus never claimed to be God. They usually argue that his later followers claimed deity for Jesus this but He himself never did. It is true that Jesus never said in direct words "I am God." On the other hand, as often pointed out, Jesus said things that by those of his day, and by any objective reader, are understood as clearly asserting His unique deity.
One example is recorded in several of the Gospels. It is the story of the paralyzed man who is let down through the roof (perhaps mud and thatch, possibly with tile over top) by his friends. It is a great example of serious friendship but also of serious faith in Jesus. What is most notable is Jesus' first statement to the paralyzed man.
"Son, your sins are forgiven." Mark 2:5
People were of course startled And the religious leaders present, not knowing who Jesus was, felt He had committed blasphemy. "Who can forgive sins but God alone?" Their question was a proper one. Their failure was to recognize the uniqueness of Jesus.
All of us can and should forgive people. Secular counsellors encourage us to do this for our own health. Jesus commands his followers to do so. But in spiritual, theological terms, only God can forgive sins. For He is the universal law giver and eternal Judge.  This is why, although the psalmist had greatly "sinned" against his fellow humans (most feel the author is David writing after committing adultery and murder) he writes:
"Against you, you only, have I sinned." Psalm 51:4
In philosophy it is called a categorical syllogism: a major premises - Only God can forgive sin. A minor premise -  Jesus forgives sin. A conclusion - Therefore Jesus is God.
We who have repented and believed, rejoice in the knowledge that we are truly, absolutely, eternally forgiven through Christ our God and our Saviour.

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