Moses served God so well and so faithfully. He endured so much from the nation that seemed to complain and rebel so often against God and against Moses. He endured even their threats to kill him when their anger reached its apex. Moses led this nation through the hot, dry desert for 40 long years yet God would not let him enter the Promised Land.
Because of just one sin! Moses failed to obey God and honour Him in front of the nation on one occasion. Israel was complaining once again - this time due to lack of water. God offered to provide water for them: Moses and Aaron needed to simply command a certain rock to produce water.
But Moses was angry (humanly speaking a very understandable reaction) and instead of speaking with God's authority, hit the rock with his staff twice saying, "Listen you rebels must we bring you water out of this rock?" The water came out but Moses had sinned. God told Moses that he had failed to trust and failed to honour God. (Numbers 20:1 - 12
Moses sin had disqualified him from leading the people into the long promised land. What a tragedy for one who had led so well, for so long. Why had Moses and Aaron both failed to reach the promised land?
We need to guard our ways and seek to obey at all times. We are always vulnerable to sin. And we never know, in spite of God's mercy and long-suffering, when one sin may bring terrible consequences. We must trust and obey - all the time. God's holiness is to be demonstrated in us.
Because of just one sin! Moses failed to obey God and honour Him in front of the nation on one occasion. Israel was complaining once again - this time due to lack of water. God offered to provide water for them: Moses and Aaron needed to simply command a certain rock to produce water.
But Moses was angry (humanly speaking a very understandable reaction) and instead of speaking with God's authority, hit the rock with his staff twice saying, "Listen you rebels must we bring you water out of this rock?" The water came out but Moses had sinned. God told Moses that he had failed to trust and failed to honour God. (Numbers 20:1 - 12
Moses sin had disqualified him from leading the people into the long promised land. What a tragedy for one who had led so well, for so long. Why had Moses and Aaron both failed to reach the promised land?
"For both of you betrayed me with the Israelites at the waters of Meribah at Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin. You failed to demonstrate my holiness to the people of Israel there." Deuteronomy 32:51
We need to guard our ways and seek to obey at all times. We are always vulnerable to sin. And we never know, in spite of God's mercy and long-suffering, when one sin may bring terrible consequences. We must trust and obey - all the time. God's holiness is to be demonstrated in us.
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