Thursday, January 3, 2013


Once upon a time it seemed that people made a choice of careers in their early twenties, or even teens, and that was it. They were locked into their job/career until they retired, died or the company closed down. If they were the exceptional few, they were sent by God and the church to serve as international workers - career international workers.
Times have changed. Radical career changes and numerous career changes are more the norm than the unusual among many people. There is not much job security out there and on the other hand, not many companies can count on keeping their employees, especially the best from moving on.
Yet it seems to me too many Christians still remain stuck in that former paradigm. Because they did not venture out of their country before age 40, (except for a winter or summer vacation) they feel God would never expect them to move across a border or across an ocean to serve Him. Yet there are more opportunities to serve God in a variety of countries than ever before. It is easier today to leave family and friends yet stay in close touch through social media than it has ever been.
So I remind you - God does call people in mid-life and later, to make radical changes. He gives us a clear example in Abraham. You probably know that:
"The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you." Genesis 12:1
But have you noticed in the same paragraph that we read, "Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Haran."(12:4) That does not sound like a mid-life career change. It sounds like a retirement move at age 75. Of course we also need to be aware that Scripture records Abraham as fathering children long past the age of 100 and living to age 175. (25:1 - 8) 
So maybe taking that ancient longevity into account, Abraham's move at age 75 might be the equivalent of making a major move today in your 40's. Actually I happen to have friends here in Hanoi who made similar radical career and location changes in their 40's because they were convinced the Lord had directed them, clearly leading them to "go from your country, your people and your father's household". They have followed God's direction not seeking wealth or comfort, nor running from difficulties. They have made that move - from Korea or from the USA - because they believed this was God's direction for them.
I don't like to see Christians miss God's best because "they are not the moving kind" or because "we missed the opportunity when in our 20's," or because "we could never leave our children or grandchildren." Great opportunities are open and God is calling many Christians to make major moves in their 40's, 50's, 60's and yes, like Abraham, for a few even in their 70's.
I hope you remain open to the reality that God may want you to do some "leaving", no matter your age or life situation.

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