What a privilege the infant nation of Israel enjoyed. Moses, their leader was allowed a highly unusual intimate relationship with the God of Israel. He was given directions and help as he met with God in a unique way.
Israel's main diet was provided miraculously every day during their 40 years in the desert. When their was no water supply God, through Moses would connect them to a new, custom made artesian well. Divine protection against enemies was guaranteed, as long as they were obedient.
What struck me today was how wonderfully and directly the OT people were led by God for 40 years. When you are considering a job change, a move to another city or country, when you face those major decisions of life, wouldn't it be nice to be led in the clear, obvious way God led them?
Israel's main diet was provided miraculously every day during their 40 years in the desert. When their was no water supply God, through Moses would connect them to a new, custom made artesian well. Divine protection against enemies was guaranteed, as long as they were obedient.
What struck me today was how wonderfully and directly the OT people were led by God for 40 years. When you are considering a job change, a move to another city or country, when you face those major decisions of life, wouldn't it be nice to be led in the clear, obvious way God led them?
"Whenever the cloud lifted from over the sacred tent, the people of Israel would break camp and follow it. And wherever the cloud settled, the people of Israel would set up camp." Numbers 9:15-23
"Yes, Lord, I will go wherever your cloud, your fire lead me. But it is so hard sometimes to detect your cloud or your fire."
We are not OT believers. We are new covenant people and NT believers are called to live by faith. We are promised that if we give ourselves totally to God; if we refuse to conform to this world's values and morality; if cooperate with God in developing a transformed mind; then we will know "His good, pleasing and perfect will". (Romans 12:1, 2)
Not as easy as simply following Moses and the cloud of God, right? Yet this path, this life of faith encourages us to grow from the inside - out; to become more like Christ; to be holy as He is holy.
God is not so concerned that you are in the right place; He is very concerned that you are becoming the right person - the person He really wants you to become.
Wouldn't it be nice? Not to be led by a cloud and fire, but to be conformed to the image of Christ! That is our objective.
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