Saturday, January 5, 2013


They are both found in Genesis 18. One is a quote of what the Lord said to Abraham. His is a question that expects a strong response of "No." The other is what Abraham later said to the Lord. His is a question that also expects a strong response of "No." Can you guess what they are? I suspect you know them. Both of them express, through a question, something of God's greatness.
Some of us have quoted them many times because they are so relevant in a variety of discussions. They are life relevant for all of us. I find it interesting that they appear in two conversations included in just one chapter.
OK, did you identify them?
Here they are:
The Lord said to Abraham, "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" Abraham needed to believe and answer "no, you can indeed give us a child at age 90 and age 100". Even that amazing miracle was not too hard for the Lord.
A little while later, Abraham said to the Lord, "Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?". This was certainly a rhetorical question. Abraham was certain that God was merciful which is why he was pleading for God to lower his quota from 50 all the way down to just 10 righteous people.
We who have read Scripture and seen God move in our lives and the lives of others are certain that both these questions deserve a "NO" answer. We believe God is omnipotent and God is just and loving.
How ancient the context of these questions. How life changing is the world view that is founded on this understanding of who God is.

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