Tuesday, January 29, 2013


God through Moses provided great preparation for the people of Israel before they entered the Promised Land. They were promised it would be a productive location, described in poetic language as "a land flowing with milk and honey."
Most important surely was the promise that it would be their very own land. After 400 years as slaves, and then 40 years as nomads in the desert, they would be enabled to conquer Palestine and it would become their home. Every tribe would have its own farmland, its owns villages and cities: a permanent home, their own place. A lot has been written in the last few decades about the importance of roots and importance of place; how place affects humans.
But one group were clearly told by God: Sorry you will not inherit any land. Every other group of Israelites will have property they can call their own. But not you. You are special, so you will not get the "what" that all your fellow Israelites will receive.
"The Lord said to Aaron, “You will have no inheritance in their land, nor will you have any share among them; I am your share and your inheritance among the Israelites." Numbers 18:20
Stop and think about that. How did the Levites, descendants of Aaron feel about that promise? The promise: land of your own, to farm; property where you could build your own permanent house, had to appeal to them as enticing as it did to other Israelites. Yet God promised them something better. Not a what - not a land inheritance; but Who - God Himself.
There are many preachers and churches encouraging their people toward heresy today, even though they are orthodox in their confession of faith. They claim to believe the Bible. Yet they promise believers that God wants them to be rich; God wants them to have material prosperity; Christianity is a lot about what you can get if you will just "name it and claim it"; if you will just "speak the word"; if you just have enough faith. Sadly in many cities around the world, these churches are growing; attracting people by the promises of prosperity and wealth.
This heresy puts the focus on me instead of God; it puts the focus on things instead of relationship; it puts the emphasis on what can I get instead of the God I can know. It moves me toward selfishness and greed.
Yes, naturally I am attracted to what I can get. I'd like my own things: one of those, and three of those, and ten of those, and, and ---. I naturally love this world and all it attractively packages. I am attracted to the "what": "the cravings of sinful man; the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life."(I John 2:16) It is a never ending spiritual battle to reject loving the world and instead love God.
I suspect that at times certain Levites were tempted to envy their fellow Israelites who had much more to call their own; material things they could enjoy and could pass on to their children. Yet if they were at all in tune with God, those Levites would, as we must, turn back toward God and realize how special and privileged they were. God had chosen them and gave to them Himself.
And He has done the same for you! Don't fall to the ever present temptation of pursuing more things at the sacrifice of pursuing more of God Himself.

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