Wednesday, October 17, 2012


John 10 contains the lovely discourse presenting our Lord as our Good Shepherd and we who follow as His sheep. He affirms strongly that He knows His sheep and His sheep know Him. Again He asserts that His sheep listen to His voice; He knows them and they follow Him.
The Good Shepherd also states:
"I have other sheepthat are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd." John 10:16
In the context, I suspect most commentators would agree that Jesus is speaking to a Jewish audience and the "other sheep" are the Gentiles who will believe as the Good News spreads. However we also know that the Gentiles are not just one ethnic group of non-Jewish people. As the Good News has spread not just around the Mediterranean but around the world, people from every nation and tribe have joined the great, growing flock.
Situated in SE Asia, we are in a part of the world where the church is still growing - sometimes very rapidly. Occasionally I speak with non-Christian Europeans living here. They are shocked to learn that 400 expats gather with us every week to worship Christ. They are further shocked to know that the majority are under age 40. Then I add to their surprise when I tell them the Vietnamese church is also growing, and most rapidly among those under age 25.
Many Europeans have knowledge only of small aging congregations. They are not aware that Jesus has many "other sheep" who are still being brought into His eternal fold. Of course as with Europeans, so many Canadians and Americans think the "church is dying". Don't all the polls tell them so? Maybe the church is declining in North America, following hard after the example of Europe. But it is not so in much of the world.
If you get discouraged by what you see around you; by what you read or hear from the media; by what may be happening in your church if it is declining; take heart. The Shepherd is still gathering millions of sheep into His fold. And "there shall be one shepherd and one flock."

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