Thursday, October 4, 2012


What would it take for your friend to actually believe in Jesus and follow Him? She may pose questions. He may ask for proof. But what would it actually take to persuade them and move them into life as followers of Christ?
All but a few verses in Luke 16 deal with money. The chapter begins with the parable about the Shrewd Manager which I referenced in yesterday's blog. The chapter ends with the parable about the Rich Man and Lazarus. Both stories warn us that we'd better use our resources wisely and the corollary, we'd better be sensitive to the needs of the poor.
I'd like however to note the last part of the chapter, the last part of the second parable. In this story, the rich man says in effect: OK, if there is no hope of relief for me, can you at least send Lazarus to warn my five brothers. We are to assume (in the story) that they, like their brother are hoarding their wealth; not sharing with the poor, not following the instructions from the OT.
Abraham responds that the rich man and his brothers had all they needed in order to believe and obey. They had Moses and the Prophets - God's clear teaching. But the rich man responds: that is not enough for them; but they would respond if Lazarus returned from the dead and warned them! Abraham disagrees.
“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” 16:31
What a powerful, prophetic statement Jesus put in the mouth of Abraham. What will it take for the rich man's brothers to believe? If they won't believe the Word of God, then even the most amazing miracle - a man rising from the dead - will not be enough.
When discussing belief with those who don't yet believe, the resurrection of Jesus can be of real help. If they have doubts about the resurrection, there are ways to help people believe. We can share with them  for example: "If Jesus did not really rise from the dead: what happened to his body? why did the early Christians begin to meet on Sunday the day of the resurrection when they all, as good Jews, had always observed the Saturday Sabbath; what dramatically changed the fearful disciples into bold, brave people, willing and ready to die for their faith in their Risen Lord?"
However when all the explaining and defending of the Christian faith is finished, many just will not believe. As in the early days of the church, even the unique event: Christ rising from the dead is not enough for those who do not want to believe.
When next talking about the Faith with your colleague, friend or family member, it might help for you to ask the question: "What will it take for you to believe?" Or as some Christians frame it: "If I adequately answer every question and doubt you have, will you believe and follow Jesus?"
Sadly, if they are honest, some will answer "No." They understand some of what is involved if they become real Christians. It would mean a re-orientation of their values, ethics, goals, priorities, etc. This they do not want. This they will not do. Even a Risen Dead Man will not cause them to believe.
They don't need proof. They don't need answers. They need minds that are opened and hearts that are softened. All we can do is keep loving them, praying for them and asking God to be merciful to them.

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