Sunday, October 14, 2012


I preached through several chapters of Nehemiah yesterday. Chapter nine gives us a wonderful lengthy prayer that appears to be offered by a group of Levites. Did they each pray part of it? Perhaps only one prayed on behalf of them all. It appears that this prayer is offered after the people in Jerusalem have listened to the reading of Scripture for several hours. Perhaps it also comes after they have spent another several hours in confession and worship.
The prayer is reminiscent of a number of OT prayers and psalms that rehearse some of Israel's history. God's action in protecting and blessing is contrasted with Israel's repeated disobedience and rebellion. It is a wonderful prayer, filled with great insights into both human sinfulness.
Although we should always try to read biblical passages with an awareness of the context of the book where they are found, I encourage you to jump into this chapter. Take time to slowly read, pausing on the many meaningful words or phrases. I will give you a start! In yesterday's sermon I asked the question: "Is your God big enough?" Then I listed the descriptive words and phrases found in this marvellous prayer. God's people, 450 years before Christ, recognized that their God was like this! They knew something about the gods, goddesses and idols that surrounding nations worshipped. No wonder they would sometimes write or say, "Who is a god like you?"
Do you personally enjoy both intellectually and emotionally our great God described in these words? Is your understanding and appreciation of God's greatness growing? Here are some of the descriptives found in Nehemiah 9.
The God who revealed Himself in creation, in history, in Scripture and ultimately in Christ is:

Gracious, Compassionate, Slow to Anger, Abounding in Love, Great in Mercy, Gracious, Merciful, Great, Mighty, Awesome and keeps His Covenant

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